8 hours of instruction. This is a recording of a live class. You will find demonstrations, class critiques, and other helpful information on materials and processes.
You may follow along with the video and email a photo of your in-progress painted rose to Art@TeresaOaxaca.com, along with the second video of your finished painted rose. Teresa will get back to you with a critique.
The charm of charcoal drawing lies in its simplicity and very forgiving nature. Come delve into the psychology of the draftsman, the linework, and the strategy for "letting go" and permitting your hand to execute what the brain wants without fumbling. Here we leave behind the stomp/tortillion and work with a variety of brushes, charcoal points, and white chalk.
In this two-day workshop, Teresa will discuss and demonstrate her approach to drawing the human portrait in charcoal. A limited supply list will be used, and the list and more instructions will become available after registration. Simple paper and vine charcoal will mostly do the trick. You may even have all the materials at home already. However, if you want to explore further with marks and line widths, I will encourage you to try various charcoals and chalks. Tools I will be demonstrating will be vine charcoal, white chalk, compressed charcoal pencil, and clean brushes dedicated to smudging and manipulating charcoal. Canson Mi-times will be the kind of paper I will be using.
Drawing The Portrait In Charcoal, (Recording Only)
1. 5 sheets of toned Mi-Teintes Canson paper (Buff, Oyster, Pearl, Moonstone, Cream, or any other off whites/greys)
2. 1 stick jumbo charcoal (Please make sure that it is vine and not compressed charcoal instead)
3. 1 kneaded eraser
4. vine charcoal in soft, medium, and hard
5. white chalk
6. conte crayons (white and black)
7. conte pencils (white and black)
8. generals charcoal pencils, HB, Medium, Hard, Soft
9. Charcoal Spray Fixative, Krylon Matte
10. #1 round bristle brush, #2 long flat bristle, #8 long flat bristle, #8 round bristle (or similar)
11. tape or metal bulldog clips to attack paper to drawing boards
12. masking tape or Bulldog clips, for securing paper to board.13. A drawing board larger than your drawing paper.
To register you must pay in full. Four days before from the start date you may cancel, but a $30 cancellation fee will be kept. Afterwards there are no refunds for this class.